The Peterson Center on Healthcare and KFF are partnering to monitor how well the U.S. healthcare system is performing in terms of quality and cost. The Peterson-KFF Health System Tracker provides clear, up-to-date information on trends, drivers and issues that impact the performance of the system. It also illustrates how the U.S. is performing relative to other countries and how different parts of the system are performing relative to one another.
It is our goal that the Tracker will put a spotlight on performance and spark discussion about how the health system can be improved. Visitors to the site, whether they are healthcare providers, employers, payers, consumer advocates or policy makers, will find data analyses that will provide insight as to what is driving the performance of one of the most vital sectors in the U.S. economy.
Our work places a heavy emphasis on data and evidence, addressing key questions through collections of charts, which provide data with additional context and synthesis of the latest research and developments. We also provide regular insight briefs for a more in-depth look at topical questions.
Peterson Center on Healthcare
The Peterson Center on Healthcare is a non-profit organization dedicated to making higher-quality, more affordable healthcare a reality for all Americans. The organization is working to transform U.S. healthcare into a high-performance system by finding innovative solutions that improve quality and lower costs and accelerating their adoption on a national scale. The Center, established by the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, collaborates with stakeholders across the healthcare system and engages in grant-making, partnerships and research.
A leader in health policy analysis and health journalism, KFF is dedicated to filling the need for trusted information on national health issues. KFF is a non-profit organization focusing on national health issues, as well as the U.S. role in global health policy. Unlike grant-making foundations, KFF develops and runs its own policy analysis, journalism and communications programs, sometimes in partnership with major news organizations.
We serve as a non-partisan source of facts, analysis and journalism for policymakers, the media, the health policy community and the public. Our product is information, always provided free of charge — from the most sophisticated policy research, to basic facts and numbers, to in depth health policy news coverage provided by our news service, KFF Health News, to information young people can use to improve their health or the general public can use to understand the health reform law. The modern day KFF was established in the early 1990s with its current mission and operating style. It is not associated with Kaiser Permanente.
We welcome any questions, comments, suggestions, or other feedback you may have. Please use the form below to contact us and we will respond as quickly as possible.
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If you are a journalist working on a deadline, please contact the Peterson Center on Healthcare and/or KFF directly.
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Peterson-KFF Health System Tracker materials may be reprinted, in whole or in part, without prior permission, as long as they are not altered. With respect to republishing Peterson-KFF Health System Tracker materials online, we ask that you link directly to the web page of the report or resource, or use the sharing and embed buttons provided on the resource.
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[Title of publication], (Peterson-KFF Health System Tracker, [date of publication])
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[Author(s)], [Title of publication], (Peterson-KFF Health System Tracker, [date of publication])
Other Website Features:
“[Content title],” Peterson-KFF Health System Tracker, accessed [Date], [URL]
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Editorial Policy
The Peterson-KFF Health System Tracker is a collaboration between KFF and the Peterson Center on Healthcare, which provides the funding for the project. The Tracker includes content and information from a variety of sources. The authors and/or organizations which are credited as sources on this website have sole responsibility for their respective contributions of content, including the accuracy of the information presented. The views expressed on this website do not necessarily reflect those of KFF or the Peterson Center on Healthcare, and the Tracker’s content is not intended to endorse or advocate for any specific public policy. The Peterson Center on Healthcare and KFF are both non-partisan, not-for-profit organizations.